Climate and Environmental Literacy on CPDmatch

Why we need collaboration to improve climate and environmental literacy.
Climate and Environmental Literacy on CPDmatch

Despite understanding the impacts of fossil fuel combustion and environmental degradation for decades, we have collectively failed to deliver adequate change. The implementation gap between Nationally Determined Contributions and the path to ‘net zero’ is widening, atmospheric CO2 has recently exceeded 428ppm, global warming is accelerating and we’ve breached 6 of the 9 Stockholm ResilienceCentre’s planetary boundaries.

We are witnessing unprecedented marine heatwaves and through absorbing CO2, the ocean is acidifying faster than the epoch preceding the End Permian Extinction event which saw the loss of over 90% of life on earth. António Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations puts it simply – “humanity has opened the gates to hell”. On our present trajectory, millions will face illness and death because of extreme heat, adverse weather, infectious diseases, and starvation.

There is still hope but we must act now to avoid worsening impacts and points of no return such as the loss of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. We must communicate clearly as we conserve only what we love; love only what we understand and understand only what we are taught. During Covid-19, we saw health as a strong motivator for change and healthcare’s workforce is going to be an increasingly needed, trusted voice. For these individuals to be confident to use their voices, they must be educated and knowledgeable.

My goal is to improve climate and environmental literacy for millions of healthcare professionals, so they all understand the climate emergency is a health emergency and how healthcare systems are vulnerable to additional stressors such as infectious diseases and climate change. CPDmatch was therefore developed to help global healthcare professionals find the education they need, a not-for-profit social and environmental enterprise which aligns to the UN Sustainable Development (Global) Goals.

CPDmatch has been visited by healthcare professionals from over 150 countries, improving equality in access to education for all, independent of personal circumstance and location of practice. We encourage site visitors to reduce their own environmental impact by helping them find local and virtual events and are the world’s first healthcare education platform to concurrently accommodate publications and articles; a great source of easily accessible, sustainable and often free CPD which supports professional development and revalidation.

But we don’t stop there. We want to support all healthcare supplier organisations who have ambition to address the climate and environmental emergency to advertise products and services which are more sustainable in terms of decreased planetary footprint and impact (e.g., reduced plastic used). By specific invite, we offer these forward-thinking companies ad tiles and sponsorship of bespoke landing pages (e.g., antimicrobial resistance) which are aligned to their clinical area.

As CPDmatch is visited by healthcare professionals and employing organisations, adverts are seen both by potential users and those with the power to buy. The whole healthcare value chain must work to first, do no (or least) harm and we all have a duty to seek out, audition and use more sustainable products where possible. I personally want to see companies who clearly have the ambition to tackle the climate and environmental emergency the best chance to lead and thrive in a changing world.

We’ve designed adverts to be visible but not to detract from the user experience. They mix in with the education, never exceed 10% of the displayed tile numbers and where possible are consistent with the user’s subjects of interest. Manufacturers and distributors of healthcare equipment are encouraged to advertise education which support product use or helps improve clinical care in the subject area.

For any healthcare supplier, CPDmatch is a way of demonstrating support for Global Goals 4 (Quality Education), 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and 13 (Climate Action). Any education provider which actively supports equality in access to education for healthcare professionals in lower Human Development Index (HDI) countries can be recognised by the Global Goal 4 icon on their CPDmatch tiles and their provider page.

The relationship between the planet and humanity is at a critical juncture and we must all collaborate on a level never seen before to survive and thrive. At CPDmatch, we want to hear from individuals and companies who feel the same so we can support each other on our sustainability journeys and demonstrate our social and environmental leadership to inspire others.

Collaboration at every level is needed as for the climate and environmental emergency, we all cross the line together or none of us cross it at all. Find out more on the CPDmatch climate and sustainability landing page.

Richard Hixson 28-4-24.

Consultant in Critical Care and Physician Environmentalist.

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